Aug 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

I've figured out
how the beginning
of the poem goes
it's about
a little girl
who is riding
her bike down
a beaten path
her bike swerves
on a rock
and she falls
but lands in a pile
of hay
I can't figure out
an ending though
that poem could go on
you don't know
where the beginning
or the ending is
you don't know
where the middle
or the 3/4 line is
I've figured out
the beginning
of that poem
about a little girl
who is riding
her bike down
a beaten path
her bike swerves
on a rock
and she falls
but lands in a
pile of hay
this poem could
go on forever
it almost has
and I can't
figure out
the end


I HAVE POEMS IN THE BACK AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!! Just saying.

Aug 1, 2010

August 1, 2010

Vacation is awesome
you get to relax
and play
and be lazy
and do.....
its fun
and boring
adventure filled
and TV filled
is enjoyable
in my case
you get bucked
off of a